#software testing

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Epic Web Dev
1 day ago

Testing Fundamentals Workshop

Writing tests without real purpose or focusing on implementation details leads to doubts about their value. [ more ]
1 month ago

Test container image with eercheck

Execution Environments leverage containerization for software benefits.
Ansible Execution Environments come in Base and Minimal types. [ more ]
1 month ago

The Impact of Testing in Software Teams

Testers communicate quality gaps effectively.
Testers should focus on enabling good testing and writing automation. [ more ]
3 months ago

Selenium Python Extent Report Guide

Automated testing with Selenium and Extent Report is essential for reliable software.
Setting up Selenium automation in Python involves installing Python, Selenium, WebDriver, and Extent Report. [ more ]
3 months ago

Self-Healing Test Automation - DZone

Self-healing test automation uses AI and ML to automatically detect and correct issues in test scripts.
This approach reduces maintenance efforts and costs in test automation, making it more reliable and efficient. [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Antithesis raises $47M to launch an automated testing platform for software | TechCrunch

Software testing is a challenging task, with many developers blaming bugs on test infrastructure and process issues.
Antithesis, a new software testing solution, has emerged from stealth and aims to provide efficient and rigorous testing tools. [ more ]
Silicon Valley Journals
3 months ago
Silicon Valley

Antithesis raises $47M to launch an automated testing platform for software

Software testing can be challenging, especially at scale
Even with talented testers, things don't always go as planned [ more ]
5 months ago
Software development

How To Optimize Software Testing Life Cycle - DZone

Optimizing the software testing life cycle (STLC) can reduce development costs, shorten release time, and improve product quality.
STLC is a sequence of verification and validation activities that ensure the software functions properly and meets requirements. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Coexisting With AI: The Future of Software Testing - DevOps.com

2023 was the year of AI, 2024 will be the year of human coexistence with AI.
Automated testing will become a necessity in 2024. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
6 months ago
Web design

Visual regression tool Sauce Visual streamlines UI testing| App Developer Magazine

Sauce Labs has launched Sauce Visual, a visual regression tool that helps catch bugs and simplify test creation.
Sauce Visual outperformed competing solutions, delivering more visual proofs at a lower cost.
Visual testing is an important aspect of software quality and Sauce Visual aims to streamline the process. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Elevating Quality Engineers in an AI-Driven Landscape - DevOps.com

AI is transforming software testing and QA by enabling capabilities like autonomous testing and intelligent test case generation.
AI tools can enhance the work of test engineers by automating mundane tasks, but human oversight remains crucial.
AI allows QA professionals to focus on strategic testing activities and reduces reliance on technical expertise. [ more ]
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